Jacob's Well News

Friday, August 31, 2007

Note on the Mercy Home from Biju

Dear friends, I am sending an attachment picture of the RAY OF HOPE- MERCY HOME children. They are orphan and semi orphan children from different caste ,people group and family back grounds. Most of them have very painful story of how they were raised. I would share their profile with you later on. I have attached only one picture due to the dial up connection. I am still having problem with Broadband connection.

The children are greatly enjoying their new life and new experiences at the mercy Home. We have got a uniform for all of them as you can see in the picture. Thanks for your prayers. I would greatly appreciate your continous prayers and blessings for these children.

In His service for the unreached, Biju

Monday, August 13, 2007

Update from India

Couple of notes from Biju:

1. The Mercy Home is open! The first 13 children oved in today and 2 others are coming to fill it up tomorrow. Pictures coming soon.

2. There has been severe flooding in Bihar this year. Here is a note from Biju about the situation and needs.
Here is a brief information that I have received from the church planters who have surveyed the flood affected areas 19 districts are fully or partially affected by the flood. some of the districts ( counties) have lost the road network. In the Northern part of Bihar, some of the roads are covered with water.

This is the worst flood the people of Bihar has experienced in 30 years.

Hundreds and thousands of people have lost their cultivation, homes and other belongings. They are in need of food items , water , medicines and clothes. Some of the people are also in need of new houses as their houses got collapsed by the flood. the loss is huge.

I visited with one of our board members, a flood affected area in patna today and as we were talking to the villagers they told us that the flood destroyed everything they had including the cultivation which could have fed them for four months. atleast 20 houses are fully destroyed and some are still standing with crack.

the church planters went to one of the ministry fields and they could n't go in to the village as the water was above the waste level. some people are on the roof or on the trees. people are trying to sleep where ever they can manage to sleep.

we have started analyzing the most needy flood affected area and we would like to do the distribution by the end of next week

God willing, we would like to meet some of their most urgent needs like food items, water, medicines .

After we met the immediate needs, we will see whether we can help people with other needs like clothes etc..

Thanks again for your prayer and the willingness to help with the flood victims. I greatly appreciate it

with warm regards, Biju